The 15th Iranian and the 5th International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing

About IPRIA 2025

The International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA) is an excellent and premier forum comprising several scientific tracks organized by Iranian Society of Machine Vision and Image Processing (ISMVIP). The 7th IPRIA conference will be held at the Department of Computer Engineering, Lahijan Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran, Feb 12 - 13, 2025.
On behalf of the IPRIA 2025 organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the bi-annual International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis.

Call for Paper

Topics of interest at IPRIA 2025 include, but are not restricted to:

  • Action Recognition
  • Classification and Clustering
  • Cognitive and Biologically Inspired Analysis
  • Data Mining for Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, and Computer Vision (PRIACV)
  • Dimensionality Reduction in PRIACV
  • Document Analysis
  • Event Recognition
  • Feature Extraction
  • Graphical Models for PRIACV
  • Industrial, Medical, Social, and Military Applications of PRIACV
  • Machine Learning (Deep Learning) for PRIACV
  • Pattern Recognition for Big Data
  • Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics and Biological Computations
  • Scene Analysis and Understanding
  • Self-Driving Cars
  • 2D/3D Object Detection, Recognition, Segmentation, and Retrieval
  • 3D Analysis from Multi-view and Single-view
  • Applications of machine vision for control and monitoring of transportation in ports

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Conference: 12 February , 2025


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